Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Minutes from 1st meeting - 18.03.09

These are some loose notes from the meeting held today.

* All Art Cluster subjects represented at the meeting today held with Martin Newth - Cluster Leader
* 140 students in final show - compromising; drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, photography
* 21st April is the deadline for an image to be submitted of student’s plans for the final exhibition
* Limited wall space identified as a potential challenge. With 140 students, many of them may produce 2D work so competition for wall space may be an issue. Martin encouraged us to use this challenge productively.
* If we choose to we can build walls
* Another area discussed was the difference between the two spaces. We proposed that when the first images are handed in on the 21st that the students state which space they would like to see their work displayed in. This will hopefully help the team to set out curation plans early on
* Full possibilities to use the height of the building as have specialist-lifting equipment.
* There are currently no limits in terms of number of pieces to be submitted, there was an assumption it was one piece per person but it is up to us to negotiate/decide this
* A virtually unanimous decision was not to split the exhibition in to sections relating to subject (i.e. all painting together all photography together) but to have the work mixed
* Possible suggestion with strong challenges to have a show reel of video work. This will probably depend on how other video artists feel and what there is in terms of equipment.
* The loan store is available to use over the period of the show but need to consider security and insurance - we do have a budget of £3000 maximum to play with
* Intending to have crits booked in for the whole time that the show is on to negate the need for invidulation
* Remind people that the basement building has two sections - the white gallery style space and the gritty exposed brick section.
* Fraser has drawn a floor plan, which he is up for putting on this site
* Risk assessment needed - be aware of how potentially dangerous pieces may be in terms of falling on people etc. Chap at the site very encouraging though
* Been really encouraged to think ambitiously
* The time plan so far is to have two days to install the show; Monday & Tuesday then wed for the private view then Thursday and Friday open for discussion and crit
* Discussion about transport for work, which we may be able to arrange with a Camberwell technician
* Need to draw up a time line and plan promotion and allocate roles for promotion. Jack specifically does not want to design flyers.
* The loft space may be able to be used
* Upstairs in the lighthouse is a music installation running for 1000 years called Long player - open currently the first weekend of every month from 11am
* Possible to show work outside - all depends really
* Question of documenting the work in situ. Really good opportunity to document exhibition especially for portfolio and applications to MA
* Suggested to run a workshop with Richard Smith (photo tech) to go through this at the site but also if not possible then at Camberwell in a series of workshops
* Remember that we are not being assessed on the show but all the stuff around the show so the research and the crit and discussion etc.
* Last year they had themed areas but as a group we seemed to feel that the whole show was already themed under site specificity
* Ground rule that everything can change right up until the last minute
* Possible inspiration for curation issues - Paul Morrison working with Judd - hung work by colour; totally wrong way to do it. Idea of difficulty of curation and position of curator
* Potential to have evolving show which is moved around, depends on our commitment to this idea
* Drawing students set up blog (well done)
* Chose to allocate member to take minutes type up each time
* Issue of getting to the show - discussion of laying on special transport - possible to use budget for this to get galleries etc to the show.
* Next meeting 22nd of April at 1:30pm in G35 (photography studio opposite loan store)



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