Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Meeting today Wed 13th at 12.30

Meeting today at 12.30, meet outside CLS.
Please bring lists of transport requirements so that we can draw up transport schedule.


200 beers not 100?

Monday, 11 May 2009

meeting notes from 11.05.09

a few notes
*) Flyers are printed and Jack is taking them on a distribution run to galleries across London tomorrow (thank you jack) Most of us who were at the meeting today took flyers to distribute and the spares are with jack in his studio if you don't have some and want them
*) 50 posters have been printed thanks to Elvira and jack is distributing them too
*) Listings have been contacted and have our details for the show, as far as i am aware they stress the fact that the show is free and there is parking

*) private view is from 6 till 10 (wed 20th) and we will be organising a ticket sale system for the bar as we cant get free booze and we cant sell booze. So with a rota of volunteers from the steering committee we will be selling tickets and giving the booze with the tickets to get around the licensing issue. The college are lending us the money to buy booze but we need to pay it back as the policy is not to buy alcohol with college funds
*) Sam is going to buy and transport the booze for the show which will be 100 cans of beer and 20 bottles of red and 20 bottles of white wine. We will also be buying soft drinks and plastic cups. We do not have recycling facilities on site for this large number of glass and plastic so it looks like it is going in the bin unless other offers come in
*) Robyn and Rosie have offered to man the bar but need other volunteers to work on a rota for the eve
*) There is a skip on site and we are trying to find out, especially from sculpture, how many of them expect to use this facility so we don't end up with an overflow or dumped work.
*) Sam is sorting out how much timber we may or may not need and when exactly we can get into the building to start building the walls we need for extra hanging space and to cover the back wall.
*) We have access on friday but are not sure if we can build on friday as Matt in Sculpture may not be available
*) We still need volunteers to paint and build the walls so ask your class please.
*) there are toilets on site outside the main buildings
*) We are trying to get a transport schedule in place so we know who needs work transported, what it is and then we can work out a rota to transport work in the most sensible way. Please contact your class to find out if they are bringing in the work themselves or need transport from the college.
*) Work being transported from college needs to be wrapped to protect it, it also needs to be labelled with the artists name, what room it is going in (if this is decided) and their contact number and course.
*) Some things are clear from the data base that they need to go in first i.e. all the hanging work and large sculptures
*) We estimate that we will need maybe two vans to transport the work on monday and tuesday
*) First pick up from college is 8:30am on monday.
*) We need volunteers to drive the vans who need to be over 25 for insurance purposes, Please ask your class
*) A round trip from college to TBW looks likely to be over 2 hours long so will only get a few trips in each day
*) Students with specific installation needs will need to be on site while their work is put in place. BUT students with non essential installation needs will be asked ideally to leave the placement and installation to the curation team (we don't want 50 students bickering about where the work is going and we wont be able to hang most work till we have it all on site anyway to set heights and arrange placement
*) Work can be transported from TBW after the show to college but CANNOT be stored in college, so students need to be aware that they need to collect their work either from TBW or College on the sunday. (im concerned about the wrapping of work and how it will be re wrapped to bring to college....)
*) We are asking all students to be at TBW at 10am on sunday to collect their work and that we must be out and ready to hand over by 4pm on sunday at the latest.
*) there will be no lifting equipment on sunday to remove work. we are trying to find ways to make sure we can remove work safely.
*) WEDNESDAY 13th is the deadline to find out who needs work transported from college to TBW and who is delivering it there themselves
*) we need volunteers to support TBW staff on the private view night to help with parking and greeting guests. I think we are hoping we can rota this through the steering committee?
*) we are trying to put together a floor plan and map with a numbering system instead of having name labels next to work. There ill be one e-mail contact should any work be sold.
*) please log the titles of students work on the data bases set up. If you are having trouble accessing these please ask someone in the committee for help. Titles will appear with the floor plan and list of artists and not on the wall next to work.
*) Risk assessments need to be in ASAP

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Minutes from 2nd and 3rd meeting

The second meeting we had focussed on collating the proposals together, which Tom and I have sorted in to spread sheets. That initial meeting highlighted just how many proposals were outstanding and thankfully most of them are now in! Also a major concern from the first look at the proposals was the size of individual pieces compared with the actual size we have available.
All subject representatives went back to their subjects to request a down sizing.

Today (27/04/09) our 3rd meeting, we went through a very thorough TO DO list provided by Lucy in Drawing, which I will copy into this post. I'll now bullet point our discussion:

* Discussed the name of the exhibition. Main name that was suggested was CONFLUENCE which means "a place where two rivers meet, a coming together, a crowd of people". Other names have been suggested like CONFLUX and we have set the deadline for the name to be tonight so we can crack on with designing and making flyers

* Tom in Painting has whipped up two designs for flyers

* Sam in Sculpture has volunteered to be treasurer (i.e. in charge of the cash and keeping accounts) (Thanks Sam)

* Lucy and Jo in Drawing have volunteered to create a list of the essential people and institutions we want to invite with both a formal paper invite and an e-invite. They will publish this list next week and it can obviously be added to but will only print a limited number of good quality invites (cost concerns)

* We discussed if there was budget left if there were essential people we wanted there (i.e. the RCA, Matts gallery…. big wigs) to cover the cost of a Taxi or arrange transport, I know this is a tactic Damien Hirst used when setting up and he didn’t do badly did he….)

*Links to good/cheap printers 1) DJ FLYERS.COM 2) LONDON GRAPHICS

* If you know a good, reliable printers please post.

* We decided to design the promo material within the steering committee to save time and hassle and aim to be ready to go with printing early next week Monday is ideal (4th of May)

* Distribution will be shared out amongst the cluster subjects

* We have google spreadsheets set up and it is the same login details as for this site, which is password: (e-mail Tom if you don't know it

* Robyn in photography currently has most of the proposals and is responsible for updating the database. Jack in painting still has some and is updating the database as well. Any outstanding proposals to be sent to Robyn on 07877580825/07540528731

* We currently have an estimate of 30 projectors so there may be issues with equipment if people expect to use the central loans store and also the light levels in the Chain store

* Plinths and equipment are the responsibility of the exhibitors, i.e. they need to have provided their own plinths and projectors/monitors/etc

* Each exhibitor needs to do an individual risk assessment. I had forgotten about this and am unsure where to get the risk assessment from or who to send it to so need to clarify that….

* We are drafting an e-mail to send to the whole cluster regarding their responsibilities in term of transport and equipment

* We have requested a meeting with Martin Newth (Cluster Leader) to discuss some issues we are unable to answer ourselves and hope to see him tomorrow or wed afternoon.

* Rosie (painting) is going to Trinity Buoy Wharf tomorrow to arrive by 11am to meet with the site manager and go inside the building to take measurements

* Rosie will also find the person to speak to with regard to the possibility of using the boat to transport people to the show in exchange for advertising

* The issue of booze at the private view came up. So We can try get sponsorship/buy booze to a) give away, b) sell (if the premises is licensed then we can sell as I am a license holder) or can apply for a temporary license….do people expect free booze (yes) can we afford it (no)…..None as yet has taken this on as a direct responsibility

* Rosie and Robyn agreed to write a press release to be proof read by Sam (sculpture)

* What is the parking situation in the area/on site?


Trinity Bouy Wharf - To Do List

Not in definite order

1: Chase up missing proposals + check queries about size etc.

2: Exhibition layout (+ plan for dividing walls)

3: Final layout plan for use in installation (large scale plan to hang up at site on installation days)

4: Instructions for exhibitors (what they are responsible for etc.)
• Construction of own plinths (or see if uni technicians could help out with this?)
• Tools needed for hanging/installation
• Power extension leads (should exhibitors be responsible for this?)
• What we may need volunteers for? (Transporting works, promotion design, dividing walls construction + paint, distributing promotion material, drink/food distribution on opening night, etc.)
• Work for sale?

5: Site considerations to check with site manager
• Insurance situation (does all electrical eqpt. need to be safety checked? Does each piece need risk assessment form?)
• Disabled access?
• Condition of exhibition spaces - will they be cleaned, if so when?
• Installation concerns - accessing beams, lighting, etc.

6: Transport organisation
• Quotes from van hire company
• Approximately how many trips to + from uni?
• Driver?

7: Invites list to collate
• Galleries/universities/journals, magazines, newspapers etc.
• Names/addresses/e-mail

8: Invites design
• Could ask other students for design proposals?
• Info to put on: date/time, address/map/transport links, disabled access

9: Flyer + poster design
• Could ask other students for design proposals?
• Info to put on: date/time, address/map/transport links, disabled access

10: Invites/flyers/posters/ print
• How many of each?
• Quotes - check London Graphics

11: Promotion
• Send invites (+ follow up closer to event) May need short press release to send with this.
• Distribute flyers + posters - need volunteers?
• Facebook event page

12: Dividing walls - construct + paint + install
• Will need other student volunteers

13: Name cards design + info collation (Name, title, medium, for sale - Y/N? Price?)

14: Name cards print + mount

15: Press release/info sheet for opening night/exhibition period
• Collate info
• Print

16: Schedule for opening night
• Introduction/talk by tutor/student/both?
• DJ?

17: Drinks/snacks for opening night
• Estimate quantity
• Quotes (Oddbins do good deals + ice buckets + deliver)
• Order + arrange delivery
• Organisation + distribution on the night - need volunteers?

18: Budget
• Plan
• Record

19: Any plans for exhibition catalogue print?

Shopping List

• White paint
• Wine
• Snacks?
• Extra hanging/installation equipment (though students should supply own) - nails, tape, string/wire, spirit level, tape measures, power ext. cables, etc.
• Name card materials - white stickers + foam board
• Flyers
• Posters
• Invites + stamps
• Van hire
• DJ?

Friday, 24 April 2009


Proposals Wall/Floor


Steering Comittee

View any of the spreadsheets here by clicking on the link, or sign into the steering committee google mail and click on documents in the top left of the page to access the documents and edit any of the spreadsheets.

Thursday, 23 April 2009


First of all I'd like to apologise for my absence yesterday.

I spoke to Dan Sturgis (head of painting) today and he asked about the situation with wall space.
There is someone in the sculpture department who can supply board/wood for the show and storage. We will have to design a layout plan for dividers and let him know as soon as possible.

Do we have a ratio of floor/wall based work for the proposals we've recieved so far?


Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Minutes from 1st meeting - 18.03.09

These are some loose notes from the meeting held today.

* All Art Cluster subjects represented at the meeting today held with Martin Newth - Cluster Leader
* 140 students in final show - compromising; drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, photography
* 21st April is the deadline for an image to be submitted of student’s plans for the final exhibition
* Limited wall space identified as a potential challenge. With 140 students, many of them may produce 2D work so competition for wall space may be an issue. Martin encouraged us to use this challenge productively.
* If we choose to we can build walls
* Another area discussed was the difference between the two spaces. We proposed that when the first images are handed in on the 21st that the students state which space they would like to see their work displayed in. This will hopefully help the team to set out curation plans early on
* Full possibilities to use the height of the building as have specialist-lifting equipment.
* There are currently no limits in terms of number of pieces to be submitted, there was an assumption it was one piece per person but it is up to us to negotiate/decide this
* A virtually unanimous decision was not to split the exhibition in to sections relating to subject (i.e. all painting together all photography together) but to have the work mixed
* Possible suggestion with strong challenges to have a show reel of video work. This will probably depend on how other video artists feel and what there is in terms of equipment.
* The loan store is available to use over the period of the show but need to consider security and insurance - we do have a budget of £3000 maximum to play with
* Intending to have crits booked in for the whole time that the show is on to negate the need for invidulation
* Remind people that the basement building has two sections - the white gallery style space and the gritty exposed brick section.
* Fraser has drawn a floor plan, which he is up for putting on this site
* Risk assessment needed - be aware of how potentially dangerous pieces may be in terms of falling on people etc. Chap at the site very encouraging though
* Been really encouraged to think ambitiously
* The time plan so far is to have two days to install the show; Monday & Tuesday then wed for the private view then Thursday and Friday open for discussion and crit
* Discussion about transport for work, which we may be able to arrange with a Camberwell technician
* Need to draw up a time line and plan promotion and allocate roles for promotion. Jack specifically does not want to design flyers.
* The loft space may be able to be used
* Upstairs in the lighthouse is a music installation running for 1000 years called Long player - open currently the first weekend of every month from 11am
* Possible to show work outside - all depends really
* Question of documenting the work in situ. Really good opportunity to document exhibition especially for portfolio and applications to MA
* Suggested to run a workshop with Richard Smith (photo tech) to go through this at the site but also if not possible then at Camberwell in a series of workshops
* Remember that we are not being assessed on the show but all the stuff around the show so the research and the crit and discussion etc.
* Last year they had themed areas but as a group we seemed to feel that the whole show was already themed under site specificity
* Ground rule that everything can change right up until the last minute
* Possible inspiration for curation issues - Paul Morrison working with Judd - hung work by colour; totally wrong way to do it. Idea of difficulty of curation and position of curator
* Potential to have evolving show which is moved around, depends on our commitment to this idea
* Drawing students set up blog (well done)
* Chose to allocate member to take minutes type up each time
* Issue of getting to the show - discussion of laying on special transport - possible to use budget for this to get galleries etc to the show.
* Next meeting 22nd of April at 1:30pm in G35 (photography studio opposite loan store)



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Welcome to the Steering Committee blog.

Any suggestions e-mail me at

I will forward on all details for posting et cetera.